Saturday, 19 September 2015

Review: Enders, By: Lissa Price

This book was amazing. Just amazing...

I absolutely loved Enders. It was definitely, by far, one of the best books that I have read in a really long time. There wasn't really any point while reading this book, where I felt that the plot was getting boring, or that I was reading the same thing over again. It was a pretty fast-paced book, and there weren't many slow parts in it.

I actually read Enders when I was camping, and to tell you the truth, I didn't do much else. I took this book everywhere with me. I took it to the beach, I took it to lunch, and I also just read a lot of it sitting around the campsite. I finished this book fairly quickly, in about two days. Obviously, since I was camping, I couldn't just read the book without any interruptions. If I was at home though while reading Enders, I know that it would have been one of those books where I read it straight in a day. I wouldn't have put it down, I wouldn't have left it's side. I would have read it straight into the night, without stopping.

This is the second book in a duology, with the first book being Starters. I actually received Starters right around when it first came out, which I'm pretty sure was around the beginning of 2012. I got it for my birthday, and sped right through it, since it was so good. Right after I had finished Starters, I wanted to read Enders, however it wasn't out yet. Enders came out about a year after Starters came out, so obviously I didn't read it right when it came out. However, this was because I was busy, and didn't have the time to purchase the book. This is why I was so excited when I received it as one of my presents for Christmas 2014. I went camping just a couple of days after Christmas, so I got into Enders right away. I am so glad that I did this, as the book was amazing, and I loved it so much.

I really liked how throughout Enders, you really got to see the characters grow. When you first meet these characters in Starters, their young, and innocent, and sure they've gone through a lot of stuff, but they've been able to get through it without doing anything to drastic. However, once you get into reading Enders, you really see how much they've changed, and how much they've grown. All of the things that they've been through, and all of the changes that they've had to make to accommodate their new situations. I also really liked all of the new thriller moments throughout this book. They made the book so much more interesting, and fun to read. There was also some pretty big plot-twists throughout this book. You couldn't really tell what was going to happen next at all while reading it. This really made it so that I wanted to continue to turn the pages, because I needed to know what was going to happen next.

Enders definitely wasn't the longest book that I have ever read, with it having just under 300 pages all together. A lot of the time when I read shorter books like this, I'm not really able to get drawn into the story. I can't sit down, and get lost in the book, and read 100 pages without realizing it. However, when I read Enders, it wasn't like that at all. I was able to get lost in the book, and I was able to really get into the book. I didn't feel like the book ended to soon, and that right when i got into it, it was over. I thought that the pace of this book was really good, and the length was as well. All of the questions that I had got answered, and it ended really well.

I would absolutely, 100 percent recommend Enders to people of all ages. You should definitely read Starters first, before jumping into the finale of this duology. However, to anyone that likes thrill, romance, suspense, and adventure, Enders is the book for you.

Lissa Price is the award-winning author of the book Enders, along with Starters. She is an international bestseller, with her books being published in over thirty countries.

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