Monday, 21 September 2015

Read Your Bookshelf A Thon TBR

Hello there everybody! Wow, I have definitely been blogging a lot lately, and to tell you the truth, I really actually am enjoying it. I am currently on a two week break from school right now, as it was the end of the term, and so I’ve had a lot more time to blog.

If you had noticed, I took about a two week break from blogging at the beginning of this month, and that was because of two reasons. One, I was changing over to a new blogging platform, which I may actually make a post on why I did that if you would to see it. If you would, you can let me know in the comments. However, the second reason on why I wasn’t blogging was because it was the end of the term. The last two weeks of every term are always when I have the most assessments to complete, and this last term was no different. I had four assessments the first week and seven assessments the second week so I was VERY busy, which meant that I didn’t have a lot of time for blogging. It also meant that I never got the chance to upload my TBR post and my Wrap-Up post, which makes me sad, because I was looking forward to putting those up.

I may still upload my August Wrap-Up, because it was a bit of a special one, as during the month of August, I was doing a little bit of a different thing with my reading, so I’d like to put one up. However, I don’t think that I will put up a TBR. It’s a bit too late into the month to put up a TBR for September, as September is almost over.

As I was busy with schoolwork, I didn’t have a lot of time to read either. So, I have only read one book so far this month. I was hoping to read a few others, but I didn’t get the chance to. However, there is something going on in the week that will definitely bring my reading numbers up this month, and will hopefully also bring up my Goodreads challenge (right now I’m five books behind, yikes). What I am talking about is the Read Your Bookshelf A Thon, or RYBSAT. I am really excited to finally participate in this read-a-thon, as I have heard about it from so many different bloggers and vloggers. It’s also really lucky that RYBSAT has fallen on my two week break, because that means that I am going to be able to read a lot.

If you haven’t heard of RYBSAT before, basically what is, is you pick a certain shelf on your bookshelf. You then pick a certain book on that shelf, and then you read on from there. I feel like this is a very unique read-a-thon, and I am so excited to participate in it. This month, it is running from the 22nd to the 29th of September, which means that for me since I live in Australia, it is starting tomorrow.

So, now onto the books that I will be reading during RYBSAT. I actually have two different bookshelves, my read books, and my TBR books, however for this read-a-thon, I decided that I wanted to re-read some of my old favourites, so I went with my read bookshelf.

I then had to choose a shelf on this read bookshelf, and I decided to go with my middle-grade shelf, because I just wanted to go back to my childhood, and read some old books.

Finally, the last thing that I had to do was choose a book on my middle-grade shelf, and read on. This was pretty easy for me, because I already had the books in mind that I wanted to re-read. Those books were, the 39 Clues Series.

So, I am going to start with The Maze of Bones, then move onto One False Note so on, and so forth, until the week is up. I am actually hoping to complete all of these books by the time that RYBSAT is over, because for one I’m really behind on my Goodreads challenge, and two, I just really want to read a lot of books this month for some reason. There are eighteen books all together, which is over two books a day, but I feel like I can do this, as all of the books are just under, or just over 200 pages, with the exception of a few of them.  This does mean that all together I will be attempting to read 3,774 pages throughout the week. This calculates to me reading about 540 pages each day, which does sound like an insane amount of pages each day, but I think I can do it. The words on each page are larger because they are middle-grade, so I should have no problem completing this goal.

You can follow RYBSAT at twitter to keep up on the read-a-thon news:
I will have a wrap-up going up after the read-a-thon, so look forward to that, and I also hope to have a few posts going up throughout the read-a-thon. They won’t necessarily be about the read-a-thon, but I’m sure that I will mention them at some point.

I really hope that you are all going to participate in this read-a-thon with me, and if you are let me know down in the comments what books you’re hoping to read throughout the seven days!

Thank you all for reading, and I will talk to you next time! 

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